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Joshua Caleb Sutter and the Impact on Extremist Networks

Date: August 15, 2024

Subject: Joshua Caleb Sutter’s Role as an FBI Informant and His Influence on Violent Extremist Groups


Joshua Caleb Sutter, a known occultist and neo-Nazi, has been an FBI informant for nearly two decades. Despite his role in aiding federal investigations, Sutter’s activities have significantly contributed to the proliferation of violent extremist ideologies and groups, most notably the Atomwaffen Division (AWD) and the Order of Nine Angles (O9A). This report examines Sutter’s influence, his dual role as an informant and extremist propagandist, and the ongoing security implications.

FBI Informant Background

Sutter was recruited by the FBI after his 2003 arrest for attempting to purchase illegal firearms. Since becoming an informant, he has infiltrated various far-right groups, earning over $140,000 for his efforts. His position allowed him to gain the trust of key figures within these groups, providing the FBI with critical intelligence. However, this association also enabled him to continue spreading extremist ideologies under the protection of his informant status.

Promotion of Extremist Ideologies

Through his publishing house, Martinet Press, Sutter disseminated extremist literature, fueling the rise of O9A. This group blends Satanism with neo-fascism, promoting violence globally, including in Russia, the UK, the US, and Canada. Sutter’s publications, which glorify violence and hatred, have been instrumental in spreading O9A’s doctrines, influencing a new generation of extremists. His work has not been limited to literature alone; he has actively participated in the occult practices and rituals associated with these groups.

Involvement in Child Abuse Networks

Sutter has been linked to the international child abuse network “764” and its offshoots, which operate on platforms like Telegram and Discord. These groups engage in severe crimes, including extortion, sexual exploitation, and physical violence against minors. Sutter’s continued involvement in promoting and facilitating these networks is alarming. Despite his informant status, his actions have directly contributed to the victimization of countless minors. This involvement underscores the complex and often troubling nature of using informants with extensive criminal backgrounds.

Continued Extremist Activities

Despite being outed as an informant, Sutter remains active in promoting extremist content through new ventures like Agony’s Point Press. His publications continue to influence violent far-right groups and networks engaged in child exploitation. His persistent activity raises serious questions about the oversight and accountability of informants. The FBI’s inability or unwillingness to curtail his extremist activities suggests a failure to balance intelligence gathering with the prevention of harm.

Ethical Concerns of Informant Use

The FBI’s informant practices, particularly involving individuals like Sutter, pose significant ethical and security challenges. While informants are crucial for infiltrating hard-to-penetrate extremist groups, their unchecked activities can exacerbate the very threats they are meant to neutralize. Sutter’s case exemplifies the moral and operational dilemmas inherent in relying on informants who continue to propagate violence and criminal behavior.

Ongoing Investigations and Security Measures

Federal investigations continue into the activities of 764, MKU, and other affiliated groups. Recent arrests and grand jury proceedings aim to dismantle these networks. However, Sutter’s persistent influence through new publishing endeavors suggests a need for enhanced monitoring and accountability. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies must adopt comprehensive strategies that address both intelligence gathering and the broader prevention of extremist ideologies and activities.


Joshua Caleb Sutter’s case underscores the complexities and risks associated with using informants from extremist backgrounds. While providing valuable intelligence, Sutter’s activities have also significantly contributed to the propagation of violent ideologies and crimes.