764: The Dark Nexus of Child Exploitation and Violent Extremism

The group known as 764 represents a chilling intersection of terrorism, violent extremism, and child sexual exploitation. Its influence and activities are disturbing and insidious, making it vital that the public becomes aware of this organization and its reach, particularly in online spaces. The group emerged from a broader network that shares ideological and operational ties with the Order of Nine Angles (O9A), a militant accelerationist movement. This movement encourages violence, chaos, and the complete subversion of society, and 764 is one of its many offshoots. While much of the world remains unaware of its existence, 764 has been responsible for heinous acts ranging from sextortion and child exploitation to promoting mass violence and terrorism.

The Origins and Ideological Grounding of 764

764 originated in 2021, when a young Discord user, Bradley Cadenhead, began forming a community that would soon become known for child extortion, abuse, and violence. Cadenhead was not alone in his fascination with violent, obscene content; he was part of a wider network inspired by a prior group called ‘Cvlt,’ which forced children to engage in sexually explicit acts on camera. These acts were recorded and used to blackmail victims into further abuse.

The O9A, which 764 draws inspiration from, holds extreme esoteric beliefs, mixing fascism, Satanism, and a perverse form of social Darwinism. These beliefs drive their desire to overthrow society and replace it with an imperial order that glorifies violence, power, and racial purity. As part of its rites, O9A demands that its adherents engage in immoral and criminal acts, ranging from sexual violence to murder, to weaken society and bring about chaos.

764, as an offshoot, operates under these same principles but has adapted them to the digital age, using social media and gaming platforms to exploit children and promote violence. Their operations aren’t limited to child exploitation; they also encourage and organize acts of terrorism and mass violence. The group's ideology is not bound by geography or ethnicity, attracting members from various backgrounds, all sharing a twisted vision of society's destruction.

764’s Tactics and Operations

764 is primarily known for its use of the internet, particularly gaming spaces and social media platforms, to recruit victims and perpetrators alike. Discord, a platform designed for communication within gaming communities, serves as a primary hub for 764’s operations. There, the group preys on vulnerable individuals, particularly minors, who are coerced into sharing intimate images or videos. Once in the group’s grasp, these victims are forced to participate in a wide array of horrific activities, ranging from self-harm to sexual exploitation and even animal torture.

The group operates in a highly organized manner, and while Discord serves as its primary base, it has a significant presence across various platforms, including Roblox, Snapchat, TikTok, and even Steam. Through these platforms, members recruit and radicalize others, manipulating them to commit atrocities, both online and offline. The group’s victims are often socially isolated individuals, including members of the LGBTQ+ community, racial minorities, and those suffering from mental health issues. The group specifically targets these individuals because they are seen as more vulnerable and less likely to seek help.

In addition to its involvement in child exploitation and sextortion, 764 promotes acts of mass violence. Group members have been linked to plans for school shootings and other terrorist activities. Investigations into prominent members, such as Bradley Cadenhead and Angel Almeida, have revealed not only their involvement in child exploitation but also their connections to terrorist ideologies and mass violence. These individuals often draw inspiration from mass shooters, with their social media accounts filled with praise for acts of terror, Nazi imagery, and extremist propaganda.

The Psychology of Trauma and Violence

One of the most horrifying aspects of 764 is the way it perpetuates a cycle of abuse. Many members of the group who later become perpetrators of violence and exploitation were initially victims themselves. This cycle of trauma is central to the group’s ability to recruit and maintain control over its members. Victims, often groomed from a young age, are subjected to severe psychological and physical abuse, which in turn breaks down their sense of self and morality. Over time, many victims transition into abusers themselves, trapped in the same cycle of violence that they once suffered from.

The group’s focus on trauma is not incidental; it is deliberate and strategic. By isolating and traumatizing individuals, 764 ensures that its members are too fearful or ashamed to leave. They become dependent on the group, not only for social connection but also for their sense of identity. This makes it incredibly difficult for victims to break free, even if they want to. For law enforcement and intervention efforts, this presents a significant challenge, as victims are often unwilling or unable to seek help.

A Global Threat

Although 764 originated in the United States, its reach is global. The group has connections to international violent extremist organizations and has recruited members from across the world. One notable example is its claimed partnership with the Maniac Murder Cult, an accelerationist group from Ukraine. This partnership highlights the global nature of 764’s operations and the interconnectedness of violent extremist groups worldwide.

The group’s influence extends beyond its core members, with its ideology and tactics seeping into other extremist movements. This convergence of terrorism, violent extremism, and child exploitation presents a unique challenge for governments and law enforcement agencies. 764 and its associated networks operate in a space that blends criminality with political violence, making it difficult to categorize or combat. Their use of digital platforms allows them to operate in relative anonymity, hiding behind layers of encryption and online personas.

A Call for Action

The public must understand the full extent of the threat posed by 764. This group represents more than just an online community of abusers—it is part of a larger, insidious movement aimed at the complete destabilization of society. The convergence of child exploitation, terrorism, and violent extremism within 764 creates a dangerous and volatile mix, one that could have devastating consequences if left unchecked.

Technology platforms, governments, and law enforcement agencies must work together to dismantle this network and prevent future victims from being ensnared. It is crucial that platforms like Discord, Roblox, and others take a more proactive role in moderating content and shutting down communities that promote abuse and violence. Likewise, law enforcement must take a holistic approach to investigating and prosecuting these cases, recognizing that child exploitation and terrorism are often intertwined in groups like 764.

Public awareness is a critical first step. By shedding light on the activities of 764, we can begin to disrupt its operations and protect those who are most vulnerable to its predations.


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