Joint China-Russia Bomber Exercise Near Alaska


On July 24, 2024, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) intercepted two Chinese Xian H-6K bombers and two Russian Tu-95MS Bear bombers near Alaska. These nuclear-capable bombers were operating within the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) but remained in international airspace. This unprecedented joint exercise highlights the growing military cooperation between China and Russia and signals a strategic message aimed at testing U.S. resolve and capabilities.

Incident Overview

The joint bomber exercise involved Chinese and Russian aircraft taking off from the same Russian airbase and flying within 200 miles of Alaska’s coast. The bombers were intercepted by American F-16s and F-35s, and Canadian CF-18 fighter jets, demonstrating a coordinated North American defense response. This is the first time Chinese and Russian bombers have jointly operated in this region.

Strategic Context

China and Russia have been increasing their military cooperation since declaring a “no limits” partnership in 2022. This exercise is part of a broader pattern of joint military activities, including air and maritime patrols in the Indo-Pacific region. The timing of this exercise coincides with significant international events involving the United States and its allies, such as the Rim of the Pacific Exercise and high-level meetings with Japan and the Philippines.

Reasons for the Exercise

China and Russia conducted this exercise to enhance their strategic military cooperation, project power, and test the operational proficiency of their air forces. Official statements from China and Russia assert that these activities are not aimed at any third party but are meant to deepen mutual trust and cooperation. However, the proximity to U.S. airspace and the involvement of nuclear-capable bombers indicate a strategic intent to challenge U.S. dominance and reassure their own military capabilities.

Potential Implications

  1. Regional Security Dynamics: The exercise underscores the deepening military ties between China and Russia, posing a significant challenge to U.S. influence and security architecture in the region.

  2. U.S. Military Posture: The U.S. may need to reassess and enhance its defense capabilities in the Arctic and Pacific regions to counter these joint threats effectively.

  3. Allied Coordination: Increased military cooperation among NATO allies and regional partners is likely, aimed at countering the growing Chinese and Russian military presence.

  4. Geopolitical Messaging: The exercise serves as a clear signal of the strategic intent and military capabilities of China and Russia, potentially altering the strategic calculations of the U.S. and its allies.


The joint exercise by China and Russia near Alaska represents a significant escalation in their military cooperation and strategic messaging. While staying within international law, the operation challenges U.S. air defense and showcases the growing military alignment between Beijing and Moscow. This cooperation, including nuclear-capable bombers, highlights the need for the U.S. to maintain robust defense mechanisms and strengthen alliances to ensure regional stability and deter further provocations.

The U.S. must continue to demonstrate its surveillance and interception capabilities while pursuing diplomatic channels to address and de-escalate such strategic military actions. Enhanced intelligence sharing and coordinated defense measures with allies will be crucial in mitigating the risks posed by this evolving China-Russia military partnership.


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