Threat Assessment: Anniversary of the October 7, 2023, Attack on Israel

Executive Summary

The upcoming anniversary of the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel by Hamas has significant symbolic and operational implications for law enforcement and security planners. This date is likely to serve as a rallying point for extremist actors, particularly those inspired by global jihadist movements such as ISIS and their affiliates.

The recent arrest of Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, a Pakistani national residing in Canada, highlights the persistent threat of foreign and domestic terrorism around this anniversary. Khan was charged with planning a mass shooting at a Jewish center in New York City, targeting October 7, 2024, to coincide with the one-year mark of Hamas’ coordinated attacks on Israel. His plot underscores the importance of increased vigilance and proactive measures by law enforcement agencies.

Key Threat Indicators:

  1. Targeted Date: October 7, 2024, marks the one-year anniversary of a significant terrorist event—the Hamas-led attack on Israel. This date holds symbolic importance and could inspire both homegrown and foreign terrorist organizations to plan retaliatory or sympathetic attacks.

  2. Current Threat Landscape: Khan’s arrest reveals continued interest from ISIS affiliates in targeting Jewish communities, particularly in large urban centers like New York City. The plot was set to occur on or around October 7, emphasizing the relevance of this date to extremist actors seeking to carry out acts of violence.

  3. Use of Encrypted Communications and Social Media: Khan’s plot involved the use of encrypted messaging applications to communicate with undercover law enforcement officers posing as ISIS sympathizers. He and a U.S.-based ISIS supporter planned a coordinated assault using AR-style rifles. The proliferation of encrypted communications and propaganda channels presents a challenge for preemptive identification of threats.

  4. Tactical Planning and Weaponry: Khan’s plot also included logistical planning to acquire firearms and other weapons, underscoring the possibility of similar plots involving easily accessible assault rifles or improvised explosive devices (IEDs). He emphasized the need for “good hunting knives” to escalate the lethality of the attack.

Threat Vectors and Vulnerabilities:

  1. Jewish Centers and Synagogues: Khan specifically targeted Jewish communities, with the plot focusing on Jewish centers in Brooklyn. Other potential targets could include synagogues, Chabad centers, and public gatherings associated with Jewish holidays, particularly around Yom Kippur (October 11, 2024), which follows shortly after the anniversary.

  2. Symbolic Locations in Major Urban Areas: The threat is particularly pronounced in cities with large Jewish populations, such as New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago. These areas may experience heightened risks due to their symbolic significance and population density.

  3. Border Security Concerns: Khan attempted to cross the U.S.-Canada border to carry out his attack, highlighting vulnerabilities in cross-border movements of potential attackers. Smuggling networks and false documentation can enable terrorists to evade detection, necessitating heightened border security and intelligence-sharing between the U.S. and Canada.

Recommendations for Law Enforcement and Planners:

  1. Increased Intelligence Sharing: Ensure close collaboration between federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, particularly with respect to real-time intelligence sharing on emerging threats. Coordination with international partners, as demonstrated in Khan’s arrest, is critical to disrupting cross-border plots.

  2. Heightened Security at Jewish Centers: Jewish community centers, synagogues, and public Jewish events must be prioritized for increased security measures. Deploy visible law enforcement presence, conduct thorough threat assessments, and coordinate with private security firms employed by these institutions.

  3. Counterterrorism Operations on Encrypted Platforms: Given Khan’s use of encrypted messaging apps, law enforcement should increase focus on monitoring known extremist platforms. Enhanced undercover operations, cyber-surveillance, and digital threat assessment techniques are essential to intercept communications before they escalate into planned attacks.

  4. Public Awareness and Reporting Campaigns: Engage community leaders and public figures to encourage the reporting of suspicious behavior. Public-facing campaigns that remind communities of the importance of vigilance, especially during this period, can increase the likelihood of intercepting potential threats early.

  5. Enhanced Border Security and Watchlist Screening: Cross-border travel, particularly along the U.S.-Canada border, must be closely monitored, with enhanced screenings and coordination between U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Canadian authorities. Special attention should be given to individuals on terror watchlists or those exhibiting suspicious travel patterns.


The threat posed by the one-year anniversary of the Hamas attacks on Israel, combined with recent intelligence regarding planned attacks on Jewish centers in the United States, suggests a heightened risk of terrorist activity on or around October 7, 2024. Law enforcement agencies must remain vigilant, particularly in large urban centers and Jewish communities, and implement proactive measures to detect and deter potential terrorist plots.

Law enforcement and security planners should ensure coordinated efforts across all levels, leverage intelligence-sharing mechanisms, and prioritize the protection of high-risk targets during this critical period.


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