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Rapid Proliferation of UAS Poses Significant Challenges to Homeland Security

Key Judgments

The rapid proliferation and technological advancement of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are expected to pose significant challenges to homeland security. These challenges include potential threats to critical infrastructure, public safety, and national security. The increased capabilities of UAS necessitate comprehensive countermeasures to mitigate risks and enhance security protocols.

Supporting Evidence

Recent advancements in UAS technology have significantly increased the capabilities of drones, making them more accessible and versatile. This has led to a surge in both commercial and recreational use of UAS, which, while beneficial in many sectors, also presents new security risks. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has identified UAS as a growing threat, particularly due to their potential use in criminal and terrorist activities.

The DHS’s Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) Program is actively developing and assessing new technologies to counter these threats. This includes testing and evaluating prototype C-UAS capabilities to protect critical assets and infrastructure. The program also focuses on guiding the development of innovative technologies to deliver critical C-UAS capabilities to various DHS components, such as Customs and Border Protection and the Federal Protective Service.

The legal framework for countering UAS threats has also evolved. The Preventing Emerging Threats Act of 2018 grants DHS statutory authority to counter credible threats from UAS to the safety or security of covered facilities or assets. This authority is crucial for protecting the homeland from evolving threats posed by sophisticated UAS technologies.


The growing use of UAS poses significant risks to critical infrastructure, including airports, power plants, and public events. Unauthorized or malicious use of drones could lead to disruptions, accidents, or targeted attacks, necessitating robust security measures. The ability of UAS to bypass traditional security barriers and conduct surveillance or deliver payloads makes them a potent tool for criminal and terrorist activities.

The increased reliance on UAS technology in various sectors also highlights the need for enhanced cybersecurity measures to prevent hijacking or unauthorized control of drones. This dual threat of physical and cyber vulnerabilities requires a comprehensive approach to UAS security.


1. Enhance Detection and Mitigation Technologies: Invest in advanced C-UAS technologies capable of detecting, tracking, and neutralizing unauthorized UAS. This includes developing systems that can operate in diverse environments and protect a wide range of assets.

2. Strengthen Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Update and expand legal authorities to keep pace with the evolving UAS landscape. Ensure that law enforcement and security agencies have the necessary tools and authority to address UAS threats effectively.

3. Improve Public Awareness and Training: Educate the public and relevant stakeholders about the risks associated with UAS and the importance of compliance with regulations. Provide training for security personnel on the use of C-UAS technologies and response protocols.

4. Enhance Cybersecurity Measures: Develop and implement robust cybersecurity protocols to protect UAS and C-UAS systems from hacking and unauthorized control. This includes ensuring that communication links and control systems are secure and resilient.

5. Foster International Cooperation: Collaborate with international partners to share intelligence, best practices, and technological innovations related to UAS threats. Joint efforts can enhance global security and address the transnational nature of UAS risks.