China and Russia’s Strategic Engagement in Cuba Likely to Undermine U.S. Influence in the Western Hemisphere

Key Judgments

The expanding strategic engagement of China and Russia in Cuba is expected to significantly undermine U.S. influence in the Western Hemisphere. This includes military cooperation, economic investments, and intelligence operations, which could enhance Cuba’s capabilities and align it more closely with U.S. adversaries, thereby challenging U.S. dominance in the region and altering the balance of power.

Supporting Evidence

China and Russia have both deepened their ties with Cuba through a combination of economic, military, and intelligence initiatives. China has been increasing its economic footprint through investments under the Belt and Road Initiative, focusing on infrastructure projects and trade agreements that strengthen its influence in Latin America. Additionally, China’s plans to establish an intelligence outpost in Cuba have raised significant concerns about espionage and surveillance capabilities directed at the United States .

Russia, meanwhile, has been enhancing its military presence in the region, exemplified by the recent deployment of warships to Cuban waters for joint exercises. This move signals Russia’s intent to project power into the Western Hemisphere and support its allies in the region. Military cooperation between Cuba and Russia has also been reinforced by training agreements and the presence of Russian military advisors on the island .

The combined efforts of China and Russia in Cuba aim to create a counterbalance to U.S. influence, leveraging economic dependency and military cooperation to strengthen their geopolitical position. These actions reflect broader strategic objectives to diminish U.S. power and promote a multipolar world order where China and Russia play more dominant roles .


The enhanced presence of China and Russia in Cuba is likely to lead to a more complex security environment for the United States in the Western Hemisphere. The establishment of Chinese intelligence operations and Russian military cooperation with Cuba increases the risk of espionage and intelligence-gathering activities targeting U.S. interests.

Economically, the growing Chinese investments in Cuba may lead to increased economic dependency, making it more challenging for the U.S. to influence Cuban policies through economic means. This could also encourage other Latin American countries to align more closely with China and Russia, further eroding U.S. influence in the region.

The strategic alliance between Cuba, China, and Russia could embolden other authoritarian regimes in the region, leading to increased political and military tensions. This realignment has the potential to disrupt regional stability and complicate U.S. diplomatic efforts to promote democracy and human rights in Latin America.


1. Enhance Regional Alliances: Strengthen diplomatic and economic ties with Latin American countries to counterbalance the influence of China and Russia. Promote regional initiatives that support democratic governance and economic development.

2. Increase Intelligence and Surveillance: Bolster intelligence and surveillance capabilities to monitor Chinese and Russian activities in Cuba and the broader region. Enhance cooperation with regional allies to share intelligence and coordinate responses to potential threats.

3. Promote Economic Engagement: Expand economic engagement and investment in Latin America to provide viable alternatives to Chinese and Russian economic influence. Support initiatives that foster sustainable development and reduce economic dependency on external powers.

4. Strengthen Military Presence: Increase U.S. military presence and cooperation in the region to deter potential threats and reassure allies. Conduct joint military exercises and provide support for regional security initiatives.

5. Advocate for Human Rights: Continue to advocate for human rights and democratic governance in Cuba and other Latin American countries. Support civil society organizations and initiatives that promote political reforms and accountability.


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