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Russia Today Accused of Acting as an Arm of Russian Intelligence


The U.S. government has officially accused Russia Today (RT), the Kremlin-backed media outlet, of functioning as an extension of Russia’s intelligence operations. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that RT not only disseminates propaganda but also conducts covert cyber intelligence and influence operations on behalf of the Russian government. This accusation follows a U.S. investigation, which collected testimony from former RT employees and found that RT’s actions aim to undermine democratic processes and interfere with sovereign affairs across the globe.


The allegation suggests a deeper integration of Russian state media with intelligence objectives, broadening the scope of RT's influence beyond disinformation. By positioning RT as a de facto arm of Russian intelligence, the U.S. highlights the risk posed by state-sponsored media in conducting cyber operations and leveraging media presence for political interference. This action coincides with U.S. and UK concerns about Russian influence operations during election periods, with similar interference noted in Moldova.

The U.S. investigation has led to sanctions on RT employees and related entities, following allegations of involvement in money laundering schemes aimed at influencing the 2024 U.S. elections. The report underscores the geopolitical risk of allowing foreign-state-controlled media entities access to strategic sectors, especially when these outlets are connected to intelligence operations.

This development is part of a broader trend in which the U.S. and its allies are scrutinizing Russian media and economic activities. Recent sanctions have targeted key Russian individuals, while nations like the UK have revoked broadcasting licenses for RT. The intersection of media, cyber capabilities, and intelligence underscores the evolving nature of hybrid warfare, where information campaigns are used alongside traditional state tactics to influence global affairs.