Russian Military and Mercenary Expansion in Africa Likely to Destabilize Regional Security

Key Judgments

The expanding presence of Russian troops and mercenaries in Africa is expected to significantly destabilize regional security and undermine Western influence. This strategic deployment aims to support local regimes, secure resource extraction, and expand Russia's geopolitical footprint, potentially leading to increased conflict and governance challenges across the continent.

Supporting Evidence

Russia has been expanding its military and mercenary activities in Africa, primarily through the deployment of Wagner Group personnel and other military units. This presence is most notable in countries such as the Central African Republic (CAR), Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Libya. The Wagner Group has been involved in providing security for local regimes, conducting military operations against insurgent groups, and securing access to valuable natural resources like gold and diamonds​ (DW)​​ (Institute for the Study of War)​​ (Foreign Policy Research Institute)​.

In the CAR, Wagner mercenaries have been instrumental in bolstering the government against rebel forces, in exchange for access to mining rights. Similarly, in Mali and Burkina Faso, Russian mercenaries have stepped in to fill the security vacuum left by the withdrawal of French troops, providing support to the ruling military juntas and engaging in combat operations against jihadist groups. This shift has seen these countries expel Western forces and increasingly rely on Russian military assistance​ (DW)​​ (Foreign Policy Research Institute)​.

In Libya, Russian forces have been supporting the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by Khalifa Haftar, securing critical oil and gas infrastructure, which allows Russia to exert significant influence over the country's energy resources. This involvement has further complicated the conflict dynamics in Libya and limited Western access to the region's energy supplies​ (Institute for the Study of War)​.


The increasing presence of Russian troops and mercenaries in Africa is likely to lead to further destabilization of the region. The support for authoritarian regimes and involvement in local conflicts can exacerbate existing tensions and undermine efforts to promote democratic governance and human rights. Additionally, the exploitation of natural resources by Russian entities may fuel corruption and economic disparities, leading to greater internal strife.

The strategic use of migration routes by Russian forces to influence European politics through increased refugee flows highlights the broader geopolitical implications. This tactic, aimed at destabilizing Europe and undermining Western unity, poses significant challenges for European security and humanitarian efforts​ (Institute for the Study of War)​​ (Foreign Policy Research Institute)​.


  1. Enhance Diplomatic Engagement: Western nations should intensify diplomatic efforts to counter Russian influence in Africa by building stronger partnerships with African countries based on mutual respect and shared interests.

  2. Increase Support for Regional Security Initiatives: Support African-led security initiatives and provide assistance to bolster local security forces, helping them become more resilient against both insurgent threats and foreign interference.

  3. Promote Good Governance and Economic Development: Advocate for transparent governance and sustainable economic development to reduce the appeal of foreign mercenaries and ensure that resource wealth benefits local populations.

  4. Monitor and Counter Russian Activities: Establish robust intelligence and monitoring mechanisms to track Russian military and mercenary activities in Africa, and develop strategies to counteract their destabilizing influence.

  5. Strengthen International Cooperation: Foster greater international cooperation among Western allies and regional partners to address the complex security and governance challenges posed by Russian involvement in Africa.


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