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INTEL BRIEF - 8/29/24
Intel Brief Matt Helmkamp Intel Brief Matt Helmkamp

INTEL BRIEF - 8/29/24

In this week's INTEL BRIEF, we cover significant developments, including China's intensified cyber-espionage efforts against the U.S., escalating terrorism incidents in Europe, and heightened tensions in the South China Sea. Additionally, we explore China's strategic investments in chipmaking as a counter to Western export controls, which could reshape global competition.

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The Rise and Resilience of ISIS: A Global Threat
Matt Helmkamp Matt Helmkamp

The Rise and Resilience of ISIS: A Global Threat

ISIS emerged from the remnants of al-Qaeda in Iraq, rapidly capturing territory in Iraq and Syria and declaring a caliphate in 2014, characterized by brutal governance and sophisticated propaganda. Despite losing its territorial base by 2019, ISIS continues to pose a significant threat globally through insurgency tactics and inspiring lone-wolf attacks.

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